On April 26, 20016, representatives of commune authorities of Ngoc Son and Ngoc Lau, 13 community groups of the projects “Piloting community-based operational and maintenance (O&M) infrastructure in 135 communes in Hoa Binh province” funded by Irish Aid attended in the workshop to discuss, evaluated maintenance plans of irrigation and water works in the two communes. The workshop was organized by RIC – project implementation organization.
13 community groups in turn presented their plans with Appraisal Committee (Including representatives of local authorities and RIC) and the participants. The comments and questions of members of the Appraisal Committee and the participants were clearly explained by representatives of community groups.
Representative of community group presentes the group plan
Ending the workshop, 4 plans to maintain irrigation works and 9 plans to maintain running water of 13 community groups were evaluated. 6 out of 13 works allocated budget to implement from the budget of Program 135.