The project “”Pilot of Community-based Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of communal infrastructures in Program 135″ finished the activity: support community based groups of running water and irrigation works to make plan to manage, operate and maintain. The activity organized from 9 September to 21 October, 2014.
The project officer guided the community based group to present plan in big sheet paper
This activity was accelerated in order to finish plans of community based groups as soon as possible. Then, the plans would be submitted to the communal People’s Committee and 135 program to be approved, after that the community based groups carried out the approval plans.
The community based group of Sang Ngoai village made plan to operate and maintain irrigational work
Result: 22 plans made by the community based groups of the 2 communes Doc Lap and Du Sang. Among them, 7 plans were for operating and maintaining running waters, 16 ones – irrigational works. Through planning community based groups knew how to manage and operate the infrastructure works in a scientific way, more often than spontaneous way as people did previously. Also, practicing to make operational plan also help people to estimate for each minor damage which appeared on the work, and proposed timely repair plan based on reasonable expectations and resources of the community.
This was the first time local people participated in management, operation and maintenance works in Du Sang and Doc Lap communes. Therefore, the project activity had a significant sense: as the first step to promote the participation of citizens in community affairs; and an opportunity for people to express the role and voice.
The plans were products of the training courses organized previously on planning and maintenance techniques./.